An Informational Website to Warn the General Public About a Scammer

A collection of information supporting the fact that Chris Jefferson is a scammer

Supporting Data

We will publish information supporting the fact that Chris Jefferson of Richmond, Virginia is a scam artist

Real Customers of His Speaking Honestly

We gather and publish information relating to actual customers he has ripped off. Section coming soon

Personal Experiences

The makers of this website were ripped off by this man. Section coming soon

Public Documents

Our case is supported by docs available to the general public. Click Here to See Them Now

An array of resources

Our site will constantly be updated with evolving information

What He Says He is

  • Claims to be a general contractor
  • Claims to be a motivational speaker
  • Claims to be a multi-millionaire

“Chris Jefferson has ripped off countless people and this website’s purpose is to inform the general public”

This website is the property of John Jureidini only. All content and statements in the website are provided by John Jureidini and no one else.